Thursday 4 February 2010


Us women really love to make a big deal out of Valentines Day. Whether we are single or not, we always make sure to let everyone know we are independent and sexy! And of course, that means that we get our hair done, our nails painted and buy a new sexy outfit.

So I am planning my Valentines Day ahead of time, and I am going to tell you what's in this year:

- Red nails
- Red lipstick
- Small black dress
- OR a red dress (if your lucky enough to find one that looks amazing on you)

Remember, both black OR red will look equally as sexy. But you can use other colors too, that you think make you feel sexy.

Here are some ideas for sexy styles and colors for dresses.


  1. I totally agree with you a LBD is a must and a red dress is definitely stunning! I am hoping to find one of those this season! Love the pics of Blake Lively, she looks good in everything! Mari x

  2. thx babe! hopefully i can find a sexy red dress for Valentines Day... which is pretty rare nowadays :P
